Situated at the Southern end of the Makotuku Domain, next to the Basketball Court. We are open to members 24/7. Boasting 2 courts, Kitchen & Bar facilities, Mens and Womens Showers/Toilets.
We are a warm and welcoming club who welcome new members. We are not affiliated to NZ Squash but we have a good database, usually sitting around 35 members consisting of Whanau and single memberships whom play all year round
In the Winter months we advise you to book your courts in advance as it can be quite a busy little club as members gear up for the Tournament season.
We hold Interclub events, Interbusiness and Club Nights, we also hold the Annual Jo Parkinson Memorial Tournament, held in honour of Jo whom was a huge supporter and stalwart of the Waimarino Squash Club.
We have a booking system in place with entry by key, any membership/key queries can be directed to Lauren Wikohika.
2021 Committee
- Tony MacLean Club President 027 608 5268
- Shey MacLean Secretary 027 312 1067
- Lauren Wikohika Membership 027 379 7727
- Amoa Hawira
- Fleur Howell
- Te Maire Hawira
2021 Membership Fees – renew 1st October
- Single $50 + $10 key
- Whanau $100 + $10 key